Type Alias InspectableNested

    | Map<any, any>
    | Set<any>
    | any[]
    | TypedArray
    | IArguments
    | ArrayBuffer

Only these types have Inspectable Nested Keys (separate from their props), that can be inspected at runtime (without affecting the input value).

  • keys() will return these keys/indexes and not their props (by default, unless props: true)
  • These are also the keys/indexes (& corresponding values) that will be iterated in loop().

Iterators & Generators are a notable case, where:

  • keys() will bring their props and not their Nested Keys, cause their Nested Keys* are not inspectable!
  • but loop() will iterate on their Nested Keys (not their props).

Finally, arguments (of type IArguments) is treated as an Array, and its indexes of type NumberString are considered as NestedKeys.