Function isAgree

Checks if value is in agreement with an agreement - see below.

legacy, used by other libs. Needs revising or obsoleting.

  • Parameters

    • value: any

      Any value (object, primitive etc) to check against agreement.

    • agreement: any
      • If it is a RegExp, it executes an agreement.test() against (the string representation of) value.

      • If it is a Function, it is called with value as param, returns true if truthy is returned

      • If agreement is undefined, it returns true (you can't disagree with an agreement that isn't defined).

      • If agreement is an Array, it recursively executes isAgree on each item in the array, and returns true if any of them returns true.

      • Othewise _.isEqual is applied, and if that fails it compares the string representation of value and agreement.


        z.isAgree('angelos', /angel/) // true
        z.isAgree('angelos', 'angelos') // true
        z.isAgree('angelos', 'angel') // false
        z.isAgree(1.23, 1.23) // true
        z.isAgree('angelos', undefined) // true
        z.isAgree({x: 'angelos', toString: () => this.x}, 'angelos') // true
        z.isAgree({toString: () => 'foo'}, 'angelos') // false
        z.isAgree('angelos', ['foo', 'angelos']) // true

    Returns boolean

    true if the value is in agreement with the agreement(s).