Function getProp

Gets a value from an Object, with a given path. If no valid path exists, undefined is returned.


const o = { a: { b: { c: 'value at a/b/c' } } }

z.getProp(o, '/a/b') // returns { c: 'value at a/b/c' }
z.getProp(o, 'a.b.c', {separator: '.'}) // returns 'value at a/b/c'
z.getProp(o, ['a', 'b', 'c'], {fullResult: true}) // returns ['value at a/b/c', ['a', 'b', 'c'], true]

There are several twists while walking the path and what should be returned, using the options param - see below.

  • Parameters

    • objectOrArray: object | any[]

      The object or array to retrieve the value from.

    • Optionalpath: string | number | (string | number)[] = ''

      A path representation, given either as:

      • a textual string path with a customized separator, eg some/path/in/object/or/array

      • a string[] of path names, eg ['some', 'path', 'in', 'object', 'or', 'array']

      If it is a string, the separator can exist in the beginning and/or end of the string or even as extra in between, and it will be ignored (eg /some/path/ is equivalent to some/path). If it is an array, empty/falsey keys (i.e '') are also ignored.

    • Optionaloptions: GetPropOptions = getProp_DefaultOptions

      the options object has the following keys (all optional):

      • separator: string = '/' The separator to split a string path with. The defaultKey is '/'. If a path is an array, this is ignored.

      • defaultKey: string The defaultKey to retrieve, if requested path key is not found. Rules are:

        • If the path key is not found at the specific path level, then it attempts to retrieve the defaultKey of that level, instead of giving up.

        • If defaultKey key is found, it continues as if the original requested not-found key was found, but using the value stored at that defaultKey key.

        • Path walking continues as normal, as if the defaultKey value was the non-existent key value at this specific level.

      • stopDefaultKey: string Similar to defaultKey, the stopDefaultKey is used if original not found, but then it stops walking and returns it. Rules are:

        • If a path key is not found at the specific path level, then it attempts to retrieve the stopDefaultKey of that level, instead of giving up.

        • If a value is found on stopDefaultKey, it stops walking and the returns that value (unlike defaultKey which continues walking).

      • terminateKey: string terminates all further walking, even if the path key requested exists. Instead it returns the value stored at terminateKey)

        Example: assume the following object, with terminateKey = '|' and separator = '/':

        a: {
        b: {
        c: {
        d: 'Actual a/b/c/d Value'
        '|': 'The terminated Value'

        with (a valid) path 'a/b/c/d' the result will be 'The terminated Value' instead of 'Actual a/b/c/d Value'.

        Note: Precedence is terminateKey, stopDefaultKey & finally defaultkey:

        • terminateKey (if it exists) is always returned and path walking stops (even if pathKey exists)

        • if there is no terminateKey and the pathKey doesn't exist:

          • it looks for stopDefaultKey and returns it, stopping further path walking

          • otherwise, if defaultkey exists, it's used as the value, and it continues walking the path

      • returnLast: boolean = false If true, it returns the last value found so far, instead of returning undefined, if a path key is not found. # @todo: spec it, not non-undefined, but existing key

      • fullResult: boolean = false If true, then along with the value, it also returns the full walked path & whether the full path was waled as ['valueFound', ['path', 'toThe', 'foundValueKey'], true].

      • inherited: boolean = false If true, it will also check for inherited keys, not just own keys in objects.

    Returns any

    the value found, or ['valueFound', ['path', 'that', 'was', 'walked'], true] if fullResult is true, that can be used as const [value, walkedPath, isFound] = z.getProp(o, {fullResult: true}) and:

    • value is the valid value is found, or the lastValue found if returnLast is true, or undefined otherwise

    • walkedPath is the path walked, as an array of strings. You can easily check if terminalKey or stopDefaultKey was used via _.last(walkedPath) === terminalKey etc.

    • isFound is true if the full path was walked (including substitutions via defaultKey & stopDefaultKey), false otherwise

    @todo: revise and use Get from type-fest