1st Array set
2nd Array set
comparator1: ((a: any, b: any) => boolean)Function used to compare items from the 1st array with items from the 2nd array
comparator2: ((a: any, b: any) => boolean)Function used to compare items from the 2nd array with items from the 1st array
Returns true if the two passed Sets or Arrays representing sets of items, are set-equal (i.e. they contain the same items, irrespective of items order).
By default, the comparison is done with strict equality (i.e
), but you can pass 1 or 2 custom comparators.The second comparator:
defaults to a
version of the first one (which defaults to strict===
equality)is used on the 2nd array, to check if it contains the item from the 1st array
Based on lodash _.differenceWith.
@todo(222): typings / Generic args