Function filter

  • Filter over the (many) items of a value and returning of a new instance of the value, containing the elements that pass the filter with isPass (an elaborate kind of truthy). Value can be Object, Array, Map, Iterators and many more.

    Similar idea to lodash _.filter() or Array.filter() but powered by z.loop(). Hence:

    • it works with many value types, not just Array but also Map, Set, Object, Iterators, Generators, AsyncIterators, Functions and optionally isPrimitive / isSingles!

    • BUT the twist is, it's not returning always just an Array like a normal Array.filter() or lodash _.filter(), but a copy of whatever the input value is, with the nested items that pass the filterCb function. So a filter(new Map([])) will return a new Map, with the filtered keys / values of the original Map instance and so on.

    Using props: 'all' you can also copy over the props of the original value, like with _.mapValues(), but also for all object types.

    • Arrays (or sparse arrays) can be filter-copied verbatim but dense by default: the filtered items will disappear in the new array (like Array.filter()/_.filter(). But if sparse: true it will be respecting sparse items position, as well as the filtered array elements, which will be at the same indexes of the original. The resulting array will be sparse.

    • Objects are copied over like with _.mapValues(), respecting their props, including symbols ones (optionally), unlike _.mapValues() which deals only with string keys.

    • Generators & AsyncGenerators are also supported, and the result is a new Generator / AsyncGenerator with the mapped items.

    NOTE: When props: 'all', the Generator's props are also copied over to the new Generator, all except next, Symbol.iterator & Symbol.asyncIterator (since these would mess the iteration). Also in strict: true, you can't use symbol: true (via props) with Iterators/Generators (it throws).

    Other/Single Values

    All of these currently are optionally supported by z.filter (with filterSingles: true):

    • Single values - see isSingle
    • Primitives - see isPrimitive
    • Functions
    • Promises
    • Boxed primitives
    • WeakMap, WeakSet

    but it makes little sense to 'filter' on them. When boxed value is filtered out, the result will be an instance with undefined / / false etc, which it's not great. If filterSingles: false (default) it throws an error @todo: unless props: "only" is used in which case the props are filtered out, into an "empty" value?

    • Powered by the mighty z.loop() / z.keys, so and hence you can control which keys / idx are visited (own / inherited / enumerable / string / symbol etc) via IloopOptions.

    • z.isSingle values are also supported: the projection callback will be called only once (with options.strict: false - default) or throw an error (with options.strict: true). This follows the functional programming principles, that all values are enclosed and can be mapped over. This is also the reason why options.strict: false is the default.

    • You can pass an IloopOptions object, to control which keys / idx are visited (own / inherited / enumerable etc):

      • Without options.filter - if it already exists, it throws an error.
      • But if or options.take exists, it is applied after the filter passes.

    Type Parameters


    Returns GetMapReturn<Tinput, Toptions, null, null>

    the same type as the input value, but with the nested items within it filtered out.

    • Objects, Arrays, Maps, Sets etc are copied and returned as new values, with filtered items.
    • Iterators & Generators (sync or async) are returned as a Generator/Iterator with their items filtered out.
    • isSingle values are returned as copies.