logWeather to pass logInfo
in your outputFn (and which props).
It is passed this.logInfo
on outputFn.
Used only on xxxJSON BuiltIn outputs (and maybe your own custom outputs :)
/ undefined
: print all props
(keyof IOutputLogInfo)[]
(i.e string[]
): _.pick
only these keys
@default: undefined, all props
filenameFilename as a string, relative path from CWD. Required on all fileXXX BuiltIn outputs.
overwriteIf true
, overwrite existing file at filename
, if it already exists
@default: undefined, which means to append to existing file
Type of options for built-in outputs, when used in the
[buildInOutputName, options]
array.Note: it is a class only for validation purposes via class-validator, but it's not meant to be instantiated.
Builtin Outputs